How Brokers Can Align Clients’ Business Goals With Their Own

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As a broker, you’re often brought on board to help a business understand their insurance needs and which products best suit them. But you can do so much more. Instead of just offering insurance, you can closely align yourself with your client’s business goals in order to help them and in turn, yourself, achieve more.


Understanding your client’s goals

First things first, to understand where you can help a client achieve their goals, you’ll need to know what those goals are. In order to do this, you’ll probably have to ask!


A client will sometimes let you know about their mission statement or goals through their marketing materials. However, this is very rare and often specific business goals are kept for internal viewing only. Explain to your client that you’d like to understand their growth and future ambitions so you can help them with any expansion and changing insurance needs. Most clients will happily let you know what they’d like to achieve if they understand that you’re there to help them with it.

You can also take a look at separate departmental goals. More specifically, you might want to look at how a client may wish to improve operations or what the Head of HR wishes to achieve over the next year or so. This can help you suggest products like CoverageSpace that can help a client improve efficiency and reach operational goals.


Regularly review with the goals in mind

As your client begins to achieve their goals, their needs will change. For instance, if your client is seeking global expansion and opens two new offices within a year, the insurance coverage that they require will need to change to reflect this. At the same time, more pressure may be placed on support functions like HR. If you deal regularly with a client’s operations or HR team, offering advice pre-emptively before an expansion can help them get on top of an already drastic change within the company. Check in with your client regularly to make sure they are happy with their insurance, that it still meets their needs, along with whether you can offer any further assistance.


It makes sense to play a role in helping your client be successful. Their growth and achievements can assist your own. As part of your role as an advisor and ally, you should regularly communicate with your clients to identify common goals both of you can work toward and ways you can assist them with their own business objectives.

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