How Insurance Brokers Can Change the Industry’s Reputation

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Perhaps you’ve met a frazzled fellow dinner party guest who spent the evening telling you how much they dislike your industry, or you’ve heard mutterings against insurers on your daily commute. However you heard it, it’s likely you’ve been subject to some complaints about your chosen profession.


There’s no way around it, insurance has an image problem. Consumers moan about the fine print, worry about getting ripped off or just find it plain boring. Many of us will agree that this is a crying shame. How, then, do we show consumers just how exciting and important the industry is?


Keep communication clear and open

When building any relationship, communication is key. Even more so when dealing with something as important and confusing as insurance. For many people, insurance is something that people need but they can’t quite wrap their heads around. That automatically creates distrust.


Instead of giving a customer reams of paperwork on their policy, take the time to go through it with them. Insurance can be full of jargon and terms that the average Joe will not understand. Strip the paperwork of anything that doesn’t have a clear meaning and you instantly make it more accessible to the general public. At the very least, have a way of explaining certain terms in very clear and simple English – a buzzword cheat sheet for instance.


Speak clearly

Likewise, when talking to a customer be aware of your own language. Are you using buzzwords in your conversation? It can be an easy habit to fall into, especially if you’re used to talking with colleagues and those in the industry who’ll know what the terms mean. However, for a person with no experience in insurance, certain words and acronyms will be jibberish – and that’s intimidating for them.


Highlight the positives

It’s said that the media loves a sad story, after all, that’s what sells more newspapers. With every piece of negative press, however, the insurance industry goes down a rung in consumers’ perceptions. Therefore, it’s important that you really shout from the rooftop about your own and the industry’s good work. This doesn’t just include a great case study on a stellar project you just completed. Talk about charity initiatives, all the stuff insurance companies do in post-disaster areas and how the industry contributes to the good of society as a whole.


For the good of the entire industry, it’s important that we work together to change these perceptions. That way, the next time you tell someone about your job, you’re met with curiosity and not a frown.

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