3 Insurance Marketing Strategies to Set Your Company Apart

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Marketing is critical for every business these days, but especially for insurance companies. Profit margins are often razor-thin, and you need to find and maintain every customer you can. But newspaper ads and a spot in the yellow pages simply won’t cut it anymore. So how do insurance companies execute effective marketing in the 21st century? Here are a few great marketing tips that will give your insurance company a leg up.


Be a Social Media Maven

If you do not have a robust social media presence, you need to build one right away. Establish a presence on all the major platforms – LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok and whatever comes next – and have a person or team dedicated to actively maintaining them. Social media gives you an opportunity to interact with current and future clients; it also provides a venue for current customers to talk to prospective ones, therefore building out your client base.


Be App Savvy

Customers today want to use their tech to handle the mundane transactions of modern life; that includes how they shop for and deal with insurance as well. Invest in effective apps that help current or prospective customers understand and purchase your services. A good app is marketing in itself. Also, consider purchasing online advertisements that run when web users are browsing for insurance services. Finally, ensure that your premiums and policies show up in apps that help compare different policy prices. This will help you reach more potential customers than any standard advertisement ever will.



Another great way to market your products is simply to develop a client list and send emails noting the different services you offer. Many new and repeat customers purchase insurance policies based off emails. Maintain a good, updated client list, and send out informative emails routinely. Also, attempt to get people who peruse your website and social media to sign up for newsletters as well. This is another low-cost marketing technique that can reap tremendous benefits.


Parting Thoughts

As you work to develop your marketing strategy, remember the team here at Beneration. We know how to maximize ROI – that’s why we use many of these same techniques discussed here. Check out our services to see how our clients do the same and maximize their ROI with VerifiaBill.

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