3 Characteristics of Successful Insurance Brokers

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These days, making it as an insurance broker is more challenging than ever. But somehow, there are many brokers out there that are not only surviving; they’re thriving! What’s their secret? Beyond hard work and dedication, successful brokers have a few things in common. Here are three observations that can help you succeed as an insurance broker today.


They Offer Great Customer Service

In today’s insurance market, one-way brokers break away from the pack is by offering great customer service. Successful insurance brokers often go the distance to find policy options for clients that larger firms might not consider worth the effort. Great brokers often avail themselves day and night for prospective clients. And they build long-term relationships with people based on trust, so they are the first person called when a customer needs a new policy.


They Add Value for Clients

Successful brokers know that differentiation often means adding value for their clients, especially helping them solve problems. Great brokers rely on services that provide additional value or enhance the jobs of their clients, like VerifiaBill. VerifiaBill offers an innovative service for consolidating and auditing carrier bills. It simplifies billing and accounting processes, and eliminates carrier billing errors.


They Embrace Technology

Successful insurance brokers adapt to change. One of the greatest changes to the industry over the past decade has been technology. Insurance customers expect to use tech to deal with their insurance issues; they want to pay their premiums, expand coverage, or deal with claims electronically. Brokers who adapt to these consumer mores have a better chance of making a sale and keeping clients over the long term.


Parting Thoughts

You can succeed as a broker today, but you have to work at it. Consider these tips, and others, to help get you on the right path. Then get out there, support your clients, and build your business today!

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